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Blog- C&I Information

We are extremely happy to be serving our students 5 days a week, all day long. Since COVID-19 began, our staff has worked diligently to ensure that our students’ education and social well-being is at the forefront.

In the event there is a temporary closure of school due to COVID-19 protocols, our school will take an “Adaptive Pause.” What this means is that in-person learning will have a stoppage for a short period of time, but our learning and teaching will continue. Students and staff will still use the regularly scheduled school day to use virtual learning. Whether there be a Google Meet scheduled between students and teacher, a video made for instruction to be viewed, projects and activities given, our teachers will use Classroom Dojo, Google Classroom, Remind or any other platform that is set up with students and parents to continue learning.

We are fortunate to have technological devices for every student. Any student that does not have the capacity for Wi-Fi is given a device to support their device while at home. We ask that these hotspots are used by students in order to complete tasks assigned virtually to students.

DUSD#66 wants to ensure that learning and teaching still continues even if we are not able to see our students’ faces in-person.

Please let us know how we can support your child even more by communicating with your child’s teacher.