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Welcome to Dongola Unit School

District #66

One of our primary goals is for our district to be a community of learners and leaders. Our students will realize a sense of belonging and pride while growing intellectually, emotionally, and socially. We focus on the continual improvement of our district and on strong, effective communication among all stakeholders (students, teachers, families, friends, and community members). Efficient partnerships among all stakeholders is one of our highest priorities.

Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.  Thank you for visiting our website!


The Mascot Shop High School Spirit Wear

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News & Updates

School Blog

Our 3rd-8th Grade students are taking the IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) test this week. Our 8th Grade students took their PSAT 8 test at Vienna High School. This will help identify the proper academic pathway for each individual student in order to gain the most educational success in high school. Our 11th Grade students […]

School Blog

It has been a busy year so far, but one that has come with success. One such success was receiving our Summative Designation from the Illinois State Board of Education in November.   Here is what was written to our families: Dear Dongola Families, The Illinois State Board of Education has released the annual Illinois […]

Vacancy Notice: Paraprofessional

Dongola Unit #66 is seeking applicants to fill the position of Paraprofessional. Please review the specifics of the position by reviewing the following PDF: 2023-09-paraprofessional-vacancy.pdf.

Job Openings

Dongola Unit School District #66 is advertising for the following positions: Junior High/High School Math Teacher High School Drivers Education, Physical Education, and Health Teacher Junior High/High School Science Teacher High School English Teacher For more information, please review the following PDF file! 2023-04-26-job-postings

Board meeting for November 2022 moved!

The meeting of the Board of Education originally slated for Tuesday, November 22, has been rescheduled. The new date will be Tuesday, November 29, at 6:30pm. We apologize for any inconvenience!