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Welcome to Dongola Unit School

District #66

One of our primary goals is for our district to be a community of learners and leaders. Our students will realize a sense of belonging and pride while growing intellectually, emotionally, and socially. We focus on the continual improvement of our district and on strong, effective communication among all stakeholders (students, teachers, families, friends, and community members). Efficient partnerships among all stakeholders is one of our highest priorities.

Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.  Thank you for visiting our website!

The Mascot Shop High School Spirit Wear

The Mascot Shop Elementary & Jr. High School Spirit Wear

                                                                         Save 20% on your first order with code MASCOTSHOP20

News & Updates

January School Board Meeting rescheduled!

The January meeting of the School Board, originally scheduled for January 22, 2022, has been rescheduled. The new date for the Board meeting will be February 1 at 6:30pm.

Blog- C&I Information

We are extremely happy to be serving our students 5 days a week, all day long. Since COVID-19 began, our staff has worked diligently to ensure that our students’ education and social well-being is at the forefront. In the event there is a temporary closure of school due to COVID-19 protocols, our school will take […]

Blog- C&I Information

Next week, we will begin the IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) test. Tuesday, May 11th, Wednesday, May 12th and Thursday, May 13th will be testing days for 6th-8th grades. 3rd-5th grades will administer the IAR on Wednesday May 12th-Friday, May 14th. Also, they will take the test on Wednesday, May 19th and Thursday, May 20th.

Blog- C&I Information

Seniors- Please be mindful of the scholarships that are still available, the deadlines, the documents needed and to ask questions regarding your future once you leave Dongola Unit School District #66. May 14th is coming very quickly, so solidifying your plans for college/career is essential. As Ferris Bueller once said “life moves pretty fast. If […]

Blog-C&I Information

We will be having our PSAT/SAT Assessments on Tuesday, April 13, 2021. 11th grade will take the SAT. This is a mandatory assessment students are to take before graduation. The scores from this assessment can be given to potential colleges of interest, scholarships given and allows the school to gain data information on how to […]